Team 4940

Making A
To thank you for contributing any financial or material donations, Knight Vision is willing to promote your company as well as send you updates on how the project is going. The chart below provides a breakdown of the benefits of your sponsorship. If donating materials or other equipment, they will be recorded according to their monetary value. The benefits are as follows:
$ 5000.00 +
Sponsor publicly announced at all competitions and again during alliance selections
Large sponsor logo displayed on the robot
Sponsor logo displayed on the team exhibition display
Sponsor logo on the back of team t-shirt in large print (worn at all competitions)
Sponsor logo and website link placed on Knight Vision website home page and again
on sponsor page -
Instagram posts
Sponsor receives a plaque with team picture and a thank you letter
A poster with your logo will be displayed within our school
$ 2000.00 to $4999.99
Large sponsor logo displayed on the robot
Sponsor logo displayed on the team exhibition display
Sponsor logo on the back of team t-shirt in large print (worn at all competitions)
Sponsor logo and website link placed on Knight Vision website home page and again
on sponsor page -
Instagram posts
Sponsor receives a thank you letter and sponsor poster
A poster with your logo will be displayed within our school
$500.00 to $999.99
Sponsor logo displayed on the team exhibition display
Sponsor logo placed on Knight Vision sponsor page
Instagram posts
Sponsor receives a thank you letter and sponsor poster
$1000.00 to $1999.99
Medium sponsor logo displayed on the robot
Sponsor logo displayed on the team exhibition display
Sponsor logo placed on Knight Vision sponsor page
Sponsor receives a thank you letter and sponsor poster
$100.00 to $499.99
Sponsor logo placed on Knight Vision sponsor page
Instagram posts
Sponsor receives a thank you letter and sponsor poster